• What seed are we planting, nurturing and harvesting?

  • Who inspires you and how can we plant the seeds to nurture and harvest that which we admire in others?

Nuestro Árbol Lesson Plans

A relational art project that took place over 12 months. We share the work and revelations we have had over time and expand our consciousness of the seeds and roots that shape us individually and collectively, taking responsibility for what we choose to nurture as that will determine the fruits we harvest for ourselves and let out into the world. 

NUESTRO ÁRBOL is a community; we gather around the following question: 

What decisions and/or choices are we making daily that bring us closer to what we want to experience more of in our lives? 

We share conversations worth having with experts around topics that spark curiosity to contribute towards sustainability at all levels. 

In partnership with The ICA/LA we hosted the annual family festival La Posada where we collaborated with Artist Mercedes Gertz to start an evolving digital art piece representing a tree, formed by interweaving original and personal images: our tree, Nuestro Arbol in Spanish. 

NUESTRO ÁRBOL is an ever-evolving Arbol de la Vida, one of Mexico's leading traditional clay crafts. Our community works monthly using the powerful metaphor of a tree integrating individual and collective commitment and cooperation.

The project will take place live and online, inviting our multigenerational and international participants to share. We believe in learning from each other as the best way of strengthening our collective.

NUESTRO ÁRBOL sparks action for a better life through creativity, service, and cooperation. 

ICA LA Posada 2023

Nuestro Árbol Workshop

Nuestro Arbol


Meet Nuestro Arbol Collaborators and Maestros